Talks Erik Tjong Kim Sang

Here you can find the sheets of some of my recent talks and poster presentations (postscript and pdf format, some compressed with gzip). The papers that are associated with some of these talks can be found on my publications page.


[Jun 09] HTR and the crowd. A hybrid approach to transcribing civil records from Curaçao, DH Benelux 2024, Leuven, Belgium, 2024 (with Thunnis van Oort). [pdf: 1 page per slide]


[Nov 30] Recognizing Extracted Entities for the Historical Database Suriname Curaçao, CLARIAH Annual Conference 2023, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2023. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Sep 22] Digitizing and Linking Civil Registry Records: Experiences 4ith Transkribus and Death Records of Curaçao, CLIN 33, Antwerp University, Antwerp Belgium, 2023. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Jan 24] Challenges in the practical application of machine learning, APML course, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2023. [pdf: 1 page per slide]


[Nov 21] Explaining the dataset: differences between TwiNL and the Twitter API, Twi-XL Workshop, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2022. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Jun 18] Navigating Stories, CLIN 32, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2022. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Apr 07] Estimating Stances on Anti-Pandemic Measures By Social Media Analysis, ICT.OPEN2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2022. [pdf: poster]


[Jul 09] Transfer Learning for Stance Analysis in COVID-19 Tweets, CLIN 31, Ghent, Belgium, 2021. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Jun 02] Discovering Pandemic Topics on Twitter, DHBenelux 2021. [pdfs: slides, 1 page per slide, poster]

[Feb 11] PuReGoMe: Social Media Analysis of the Pandemic. Lunch talk, Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2021. [pdf: 1 page per slide]


[Jun 26] PuReGoMe: Dutch Public Reaction on Governmental COVID-19 Measures and Announcements. Lunch talk, Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2020. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Feb 02] Automated Analysis of Online Behaviour on Social Media. Brown bag talk, Social Psychology, UvA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2020. [pdf: 1 page per slide; doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15057.28008]

[Jan 30] Accurate Estimation of Class Distributions in Textual Data. Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN30), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2020 (with Kim Smeenk). [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Jan 30] Text Processing with Orange. Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN30), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2020. [pdf: poster]


[Apr 25] De-identification of Dutch Mental Health Text. HEALTAC-2019, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, 2019. [pdf: poster]

[Jan 31] De-identification of Dutch Mental Health Data. Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN29), Groningen, The Netherlands, 2019. [pdf: poster]

[Jan 31] Towards Transparent Linguistic Analysis of Dutch Newspaper Article Genres using Machine Learning. Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN29), Groningen, The Netherlands, 2019 (with Kim Smeenk). [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Jan 24] NEWSGAC: visualizing newspaper data for large scale research. Text Analysis Cafe, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2019.


[Oct 31] Utilizing a Transparency-Driven Environment toward Trusted Automatic Genre Classification. 14th IEEE International Conference on eScience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018 (with Aysenur Bilgin). [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Oct 11] Archivering van Nederlandstalige tweets: de website Studiedag Het web gearchiveerd, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2018. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Sep 20] What Works When for Whom?. Lunch talk presented at the Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018.

[Jun 06] NEWSGAC: Helping researchers to study Dutch newspapers. Pitch presentation at the NLeSC-CIT Meeting, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2018.

[May 24] NEWSGAC: Helping researchers to study Dutch newspapers. Lunch talk presented at the Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018.


[Dec 06] Active Learning for Classifying Political Tweets. International Conference on Natural Language, Signal and Speech Processing, Casablanca, Morocco, 2017. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Nov 27] Automated Analysis of Online Behaviour on Social Media. Meet & Greet NLeSC - Education Studies, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2017. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Sep 27] Analysis of Dutch tweets. CBS seminar Big Data Matters - Towards Smart Statistics, Heerlen, The Netherlands, 2017. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Sep 14] Automated Analysis of Online Behaviour on Social Media. Lunch talk presented at the Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2017.

[Aug 24] Clustering Dialect Data - Experiments with the Dutch SAND Database. Workshop Linguistic knowledge & patterns of variation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2017. [pdf: 8 pages per slide]

[Feb 10] The CLIN2017 Shared Task: Translating Historical Text. CLIN2017, Leuven, Belgium, 2017. [pdf: 1 page per slide, 8 pages per slide]

[Jan 20] Zoeken naar neologismen en archaïsmen. KB Symposium Concepten op Drift, The Hague, 2017 (in Dutch). [pdf: 1 page per slide, 8 pages per slide]


[Dec 11] Finding Rising and Falling Words. Coling workshop LT4DH, Osaka, Japan, 2016. [pdf: 1 page per slide, 8 pages per slide]

[Aug 25] Analyse van Nederlandstalige tweets. Webcare meeting, VU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016 (in Dutch). [pdf: 8 pages per slide]

[Jun 10] Converting Seventeenth-Century Dutch to Modern Dutch. Presented at the conference DHBENELUX, Esch-zur-Alzette, Luxemburg, 2016. [see CHDDH slides, abstract]

[May 25] Improving Part-of-Speech Tagging of Historical Text by First Translating to Modern Text. Presented at the 2nd IFIP International Workshop on Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities (CHDHH), Dublin, Ireland, 2016. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[May 23] Visualizing Literary Data. Presented at the Workshop on Visualization as added value in the development, use and evaluation of language resources (VisLR II), Portoroz, Slovenia, 2016. [pdf: 1 page per slide]

[Mar 17] Dealing with Bad Data Problems of the SAND. Presented at the Workshop Dealing with Bad Data in Linguistic Theory, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016. [pdf: 1 page per slide, pdf: 8 pages per slide, abstract]


[Dec 14] TwiNL. Presented at the eScience Humanities Day 2015, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2015. [pdf: 1 page per slide, pdf: 8 pages per slide]

[Nov 23] Searching in billions of Dutch tweets. Presented at the CBS / UT Data Camp 2015, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2015. [pdf: 1 page per slide, pdf: 8 pages per slide]

[Nov 16] Converting seventeenth century Dutch to modern Dutch. Presented at the workshop Morphosyntactic Enrichment of Historical Text, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2015. [pdf: 1 page per slide, pdf: 8 pages per slide]

[Oct 30] Voronoi Diagrams without Bounding Boxes. Presented at the Joint International Geoinformation Conference (JIGC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015 [pdf]

[Sep 22] Twitter als bron voor het peilen van meningen: een goudmijn of toch niet?. Presented at the 2015 NPSO meeting on Social Media and Survey Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2015 (in Dutch). [pdf]

[Jun 13] Discovering Dialect Regions in Syntactic Dialect Data. Presented at the Edisyn Workshop, Zürich, Switzerland, 2015. [pdf: 1 slide per page, abstract]


[Sep 18] Finding transition zones in dialect data. Presented at the Workshop Maps and Grammar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2014. [pdf; abstract]

[Jun 12] Finding Syntactic Characteristics of Surinamese Dutch. Presented at DH Benelux 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014. [pdf: 8 slides per page; associated report; bibtex]

[May 27] Using Tweets for Assigning Sentiments to Regions. Presented at the 5th International Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment and Linked Open Data at LREC2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014. [pdf: 8 slides per page]

[Mar 21] Arvid: A Computational Tool for Dialect Research. Presented at the Workshop Maps & Grammar, University of Zurich, 21 March 2014. [pdf: 8 slides per page]

[Mar 11] Nederlab: A complete archive of the historical development of Dutch. Presented at the Institution for Swedish Language of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014.

[Feb 19] Zoeken in miljarden Nederlandstalige tweets. Presented at Exa-IT, Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2014 (in Dutch). [pdf: 8 slides per page]


[Jul 22] Searching through Billions of Dutch Tweets. Presented at the Cloud Summerschool Almere 2013, Almere, The Netherlands, 2013.

[Jun 12] Searching through Billions of Dutch Tweets. Presented at the TICC Colloquium, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2013.

[May 17] Datavisualisatie, Presented at the meeting of the scientific board of the Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013 (in Dutch).

[Feb 28] Twitter: listening to a kitchen table conversation involving 17 million people. Presented at SRIE13 (SURF Research and Innovation Event 2013), The Hague, The Netherlands, 2013. [slides on Slideshare, snow movie from slide 22]

[Jan 18] Dealing with Big Data: the Case of Twitter. Presented at CLIN-2013, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2013. [pdf: 1 slide per page; pdf: 6 slides per page]


[Jun 02] Twitter en gezondheid. Presented at the Nacht van Kunst en Wetenschap, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2012 (in Dutch). [pdf]

[Apr 23] Predicting the 2011 Dutch Senate Election Results with Twitter. Presented at the EACL workshop SASN 2012, Avignon, France, 2012. [pdf]

[Jan 20] Twitter in The Netherlands. Presented at CLIN 22, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2012. [pdf, search demo]

[Jan 20] A Web Service Interface for the Dutch Parser Alpino. Presented at CLIN 22, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2012. [pdf]


[Jun 18] Using Twitter for Linguistic Research. Presented at TABU Dag, Groningen, 2011. [pdf, search demo]

[Jun 04] Twitter en Wetenschap. Presented at De Nacht van Kunst en Wetenschap, Groningen, 2011. [pdf, search demo]

[Feb 11] Syntactic Analysis of Dutch via Web Services. Presented at CLIN 21, Ghent, Belgium, 2011. [pdf]


[Feb 05] LASSY for Beginners. Presented at CLIN 2010, Utrecht, 2010. [pdf]

[Feb 05] Improving a Dialect Database Poster presented at 2010, Utrecht, 2010 (with Jelke Bloem). [pdf]


[Oct 15] Shallow Parsing and Full Parsing: Which is the Better Preprocessor?. Presented at ATiLA 2008, Antwerp, 2008.


[Dec 07] Lexical Patterns or Dependency Patterns: Which is better? Presented at CLIN-2007, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. [pdf]

[Dec 06] Automatical Classification of Pathological Reports. Presented at the workshop Keywords and User Interaction at the Telematica Institute, Enschede, The Netherlands. [pdf]

[Nov 14] Entity Recognition with Wikipedia Presented at the 11th ATiLA meeting, Ghent, Belgium. (slides available upon request)

[May 08] Information Extraction from Text. Presented at the ISLA colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [video]

[Jan 12] Extracting Dutch Hypernymy Pairs from the Web. Presented at CLIN-17, Leuven, Belgium. [pdf]


[Nov 15] Automatic Extraction of Dutch Hypernyms. Presented at the 10th ATiLA day, Corsendonck, Belgium. (slides available upon request)


[Jul 10] Developing Offline Strategies for Answering Medical Questions. Presented atthe AAAI-05 Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. [pdf]


[May 07] Memory-based semantic role labeling: Optimizing features, algorithm, and output. Presented at CoNLL-2004, Boston, MA, USA. [ps.gz] [pdf]


[Dec 19] Summarizing Dutch Sentences for Automatic Subtitling. Presented at CLIN-2003, Antwerp, Belgium. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Sep 03] Improving machine learning results with filter rules. Presented at 2003 Atila meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Jun 01] Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition. Presented at CoNLL-2003, Edmonton, Canada. [ps.gz] [pdf]


[Nov 29] Summarizing Sentences for Automatic Subtitling. Presented at CLIN-2002, Groningen, The Netherlands. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Sep 01] Memory-Based Named Entity Recognition. Presented at CoNLL-2002, Taipei, Taiwan. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Sep 01] Introduction to the CoNLL-2002 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition. Presented at CoNLL-2002, Taipei, Taiwan. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Jun 16] Memory-Based Named Entity Recognition. Presented at 2002 Atila meeting in Tilburg, The Netherlands. [ps.gz] [pdf]


[Jul 07] Identifying Hierarchical Structures. Presented at CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France, as a part of John Nerbonne's invited talk Learning Computational Grammars. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Jul 06] Memory-Based Clause Identification. Presented at CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Jul 06] Introduction to the CoNLL-2001 Shared Task: Clause Identification. Presented at CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Mar 27] Introduction to Parsing. Presented at a Dialogue Club meeting in Tilburg, The Netherlands.

[Feb 21] TMR Progess in Antwerp. Presented at 2001 TMR-LCG meeting at Tuebingen, Germany.


[Nov 03] From Chunking to Parsing. Presented at CLIN 2000, Tilburg, The Netherlands. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Nov 02] Noun Phrase Representation by System Combination. Presented at BNAIC'00, Tilburg, The Netherlands. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Oct 19] Machine Learning of Syntax . Presented at JaPaWaDa 2000, Hingene, Belgium.

[Sep 14] Introduction to the CoNLL-2000 Shared Task: Chunking. Presented at CoNLL-2000, Lisbon, Portugal. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Sep 14] Text Chunking by System Combination. Presented at CoNLL-2000, Lisbon, Portugal. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Aug 01] Applying System Combination to Base Noun Phrase Identification. Presented at COLING 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[May 19] TMR-LCG Progress in Antwerp. Talk presented at the 2000 TMR-LCG meeting at Xerox Grenoble, France.

[May 01] Noun Phrase Recognition by System Combination. Presented at ANLP-NAACL 2000, Seattle, Washington, USA. [ps.gz] [pdf]


[Dec 10] Recognizing NPs with an Ensemble of Classifiers. Presented at CLIN 99, Utrecht, The Netherlands. [ps.gz] [pdf]

[Nov 29] One for all?. Talk presented at the second 1999 Atila meeting at the Scryption in Tilburg, The Netherlands.

[Nov 15] Memory-based learning. Talk presented at the second 1999 TMR-LCG meeting at University College Dublin, Ireland.

[Oct 13] Herkenning van bij een zelfstandig naamwoord behorende zinsdelen (nounphrases). CNTS talk presented at the University of Antwerp, Belgium (in Dutch).

[Aug 01] Learning Simple Phonotactics. Presented at the Workshop on Neural, Symbolic and Reinforcement Learning, Stockholm, Sweden. [ps] [pdf]

[Jun 12] Noun Phrase Detection by Repeated Chunking. Presented at CoNLL-99, Bergen, Norway. [ps] [pdf]

[Jun 11] Representing Text Chunks. Presented at EACL'99, Bergen, Norway. [ps] [pdf]

[May 11] Herkenning en analyse van nounphrases. Presented at the first 1999 ATiLA meeting, Hingene, Belgium (in Dutch).


[Dec 11] Representing Text Chunks. Presented at the Ninth CLIN Meeting at the University of Leuven, Belgium. [ps] [pdf]

[Oct 16] Machine Learning of Phonotactics. Presented at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands in the Linguistics Colloqium sequence. [ps] [pdf]

[Oct 15] Automatische verwerving van fonotactische modellen. Presented at Tilburg University, The Netherlands in the T&I Colloquia sequence (in Dutch). [ps] [pdf]

[Jun 29] Machine Learning of Phonotactics. Presented at the BCN Summerschool in Groningen, The Netherlands. [ps] [pdf]

[May 08] Neurale Netwerken voor Taaltechnologie . Lecture sponsored by the Flemish Association for Computational Linguistics (CLIF) in Antwerp, Belgium (in Dutch). [ps] [pdf]

[Jan 28] CATCH: A Program for Developing World Wide Web CALL Material. Presented at the Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, NODALIDA98 in Copenhagen, Denmark. [ps] [pdf]

Last update: December 09, 2024. erikt(at)