Publications Erik Tjong Kim Sang

Titles of publications usually link to pdf files. Slides of talks associated with recent papers can be found on my talks page.

When citing my work, it is useful to know that my surname consists of the final three words of my name: TJONG KIM SANG. In bibtex you can achieve a correct name citation by putting the surname in the author field, followed by a comma and the given name (example).

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2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1996 1995 1993 1992 1991 1988


Toxic Memes: A Survey of Computational Perspectives on the Detection and Explanation of Meme Toxicities, by Delfina Sol Martinez Pandiani, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Davide Ceolin. Preprint,, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2406.07353, 2024.

Investigating the Usefulness of Product Reviews Through Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks, by Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Ji Qi, Laura Hollink, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Davide Ceolin. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Web Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, page: 296-308, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-62362-2_21


REE-HDSC: Recognizing Extracted Entities for the Historical Database Suriname Curacao, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Technical Report, Netherlands eScience Center, 2023, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2401.02972. (bibtex)


Towards Automated Cognitive Mapping of Political Speeches using Machine Learning, by Femke van Esch, Sven van der Burg, Tejaswini Deoskar, Jeroen Snellens, Shaomu Tan and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Technical Report, University of Utrecht, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20914.68808, 2022. (bibtex)

Spatiotemporal variations of public opinion on social distancing in the Netherlands: Comparison of Twitter and longitudinal survey data, by Chao Zhang, Shihan Wang, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Marieke A. Adriaanse, Lars Tummers, Marijn Schraagen, Ji Qi, Mehdi Dastani and Henk Aarts. In: Frontiers in Public Health, volume 10, article 856825, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.856825, 2022. (bibtex)


Analysis of the Emails From the Dutch Web-Based Intervention "Alcohol de Baas": Assessment of Early Indications of Drop-Out in an Online Alcohol Abuse Intervention, by Wouter A. C. Smink, Anneke M. Sools, Marloes G. Postel, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Auke Elfrink, Lukas B. Libbertz-Mohr, Bernard P. Veldkamp and Gerben J. Westerhof. In: Frontiers in Psychiatry, volume 12, ISSN 1664-0640, DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.575931, 2021. (bibtex)

Extracting Stances on Pandemic Measures from Social Media Data, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Shihan Wang, Marijn Schraagen and Mehdi Dastani. 17th IEEE eScience Conference (poster), 2021 (preprint). (bibtex)

Transfer Learning for Stance Analysis in COVID-19 Tweets, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Marijn Schraagen, Shihan Wang and Mehdi Dastani. CLIN 31, 2021. (bibtex)

Discovering Pandemic Topics on Twitter, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Marijn Schraagen, Mehdi Dastani and Shihan Wang. DHBenelux 2021. (bibtex)


Dutch General Public Reaction on Governmental COVID-19 Measures and Announcements in Twitter Data, by Shihan Wang, Marijn Schraagen, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Mehdi Dastani. Preprint, arXiv:2006.07283, most recent version: 21 December 2020. (bibtex)

Public Sentiment on Governmental COVID-19 Measures in Dutch Social Media, by Shihan Wang, Marijn Schraagen, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Mehdi Dastani. In: Workshop on NLP for COVID-19, Emperical Methods in Natutal Language Processing, 2020. (bibtex)


How character limit affects language usage in tweets, by Arnout B. Boot, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Katinka Dijkstra and Rolf A. Zwaan. In: Palgrave Communications, volume 5, issue 1, doi: 10.1057/s41599-019-0280-3, 2019. (bibtex)

Grounding Paradigmatic Shifts In Newspaper Reporting In Big Data. Analysing Journalism History By Using Transparent Automatic Genre Classification, by Kim Smeenk, Aysenur Bilgin, Tom Klaver, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Laura Hollink, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Frank Harbers and Marcel Broersma. In: Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2019. (bibtex)

Understanding Therapeutic Change Process Research through Multilevel Modelling and Text Mining, by Wouter A.C. Smink, Jean-Paul Fox, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Anneke M. Sools, Gerben J. Westerhof and Bernard P. Veldkamp. In: Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1186, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01186, 2019. (bibtex)

De-identification of Dutch Medical Text, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Ben de Vries, Wouter Smink, Bernard Veldkamp, Gerben Westerhof and Anneke Sools. In: 2nd Healthcare Text Analytics Conference (HealTAC2019), Cardiff, Wales, UK, 2019. (bibtex)

Introducing a transparency-driven platform for creating, comparing and explaining machine learning pipelines, by Tom Klaver, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Aysenur Bilgin, Kim Smeenk, Laura Hollink, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Frank Harbers and Marcel Broersma. At: ICT-Open (demo presentation abstract), Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2019. (bibtex)


Utilizing a Transparency-driven Environment toward Trusted Automatic Genre Classification: A Case Study in Journalism History, by Aysenur Bilgin, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Kim Smeenk, Laura Hollink, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Frank Harbers and Marcel Broersma. In: Proceedings of the 14th IEEE eScience conference, IEEE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018. doi: 10.1109/eScience.2018.00137 (bibtex)

Active Learning for Classifying Political Tweets, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Marc Esteve del Valle, Herbert Kruitbosch and Marcel Broersma. In: International Science and General Applications journal, ISGA: Institut Superieur d'inGenieire & des Affaires, volume 1, issue March, pages 60-67, 2018, ISSN 2351-8715. (bibtex; extended version of the conference paper)


Active Learning for Classifying Political Tweets, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Marc Esteve del Valle, Herbert Kruitbosch and Marcel Broersma. In: International Conference on Natural Language, Signal and Speech Processing, ISGA: Institut Superieur d'inGenieire & des Affaires, pages 110-114, ISBN 978-9954-99-758-1, ISSN 2351-8715, 2017. (bibtex)

Determining the function of political tweets, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Herbert Kruitbosch, Marcel Broersma and Marc Esteve del Valle. In: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on eScience (eScience 2017), IEEE, Auckland, New Zealand, 2017, pages 438-439, ISBN 978-1-5386-2686-3, doi:10.1109/eScience.2017.60. (bibtex)

The CLIN27 Shared Task: Translating Historical Text to Contemporary Language for Improving Automatic Linguistic Annotation, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Marcel Bollmann, Remko Boschker, Francisco Casacuberta, Feike Dietz, Stefanie Dipper, Miguel Domingo, Rob van der Goot, Marjo van Koppen, Nikola Ljubešiç, Robert Östling, Florian Petran, Eva Pettersson, Yves Scherrer, Marijn Schraagen, Leen Sevens, Jörg Tiedemann, Tom Vanallemeersch and Kalliopi Zervanou. In: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, volume 7, pages 53-64, 2017, ISSN 2211-4009. (bibtex; shared task page)

Finding Interesting Persons in the Dutch Political Twitter Landscape, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Internal report Netherlands eScience Center, 13 April 2017, 5 pages. (bibtex)

Identifying Dialect Regions from Syntactic Data, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: From Semantics to Dialectometry - Festschrift in honor of John Nerbonne, editors: Martijn Wieling, Martin Kroon, Gertjan van Noord and Gosse Bouma. College Publications, Milton Keynes, pages 367-373, 2017, ISBN 978-1-84890-230-5. (bibtex)


Finding Rising and Falling Words, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of the COLING 2016 workshop Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities, ACL, Osaka, Japan, 2016 (bibtex; software & data)

Verb inflection in the SAND, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Internal Report, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 21 October 2016. (bibtex; software)

Nederlab: Towards a Single Portal and Research Environment for Diachronic Dutch Text Corpora, by Hennie Brugman, Martin Reynaert, Nicoline van der Sijs, René van Stipriaan, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Antal van den Bosch. Proceedings of LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ELRA, Portoroz, Slovenia, pages 1277-1281, 2016, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1. (bibtex).

Improving Part-of-Speech Tagging of Historical Text by First Translating to Modern Text, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. 2nd IFIP International Workshop on Computational History and Data-Driven Humanities, editors: Bozic, Mendel-Gleason, Debruyne and O'Sullivan, Springer Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-46223-3, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-46224-0. (bibtex)

Visualizing Literary Data, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Second Workshop on Visualization as added value in the development, use and evaluation of language resources (VisLR II), LREC 2016, ELRA, Portoroz, Slovenia, pages 30-37, 2016. (bibtex; software access)


Voronoi Diagrams without Bounding Boxes, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Geoinformation Conference 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015. (bibtex)

Discovering Dialect Regions in Syntactic Dialect Data, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Workshop European Dialect Syntax VIII - Edisyn 2015, Zurich, Switzerland, 2015. (bibtex)


Using Tweets for Assigning Sentiments to Regions, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Emotion, Social Signals, Sentiment and Linked Open Data at LREC2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014. (bibtex)

SAND: Relation between the Database and Printed Maps, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Internal Report, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16 May 2014. (bibtex)

Finding Syntactic Characteristics of Surinamese Dutch, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Internal Report, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6 March 2014. (bibtex; see also Nicoline's paper)

Verwerking van achttiende-eeuws Nederlands met Frog, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Internal Report, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13 February 2014. (in Dutch, bibtex)


Dealing with Big Data: the Case of Twitter, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Antal van den Bosch. In: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, volume 3, ISSN: 2211-4009, pages 121-134, 2013. (bibtex)

Large Scale Syntactic Annotation of Written Dutch: Lassy, by G. van Noord, G. Bouma, F. van Eynde, D. de Kok, J. van der Linde, I. Schuurman, E. Tjong Kim Sang, and V. Vandeghinste. In: Peter Spyns and Jan Odijk (eds.), Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-30909-0.

Cornetto: a Combinatorial Lexical Semantic Database for Dutch, by P. Vossen, I. Maks, R. Segers, H. van der Vliet, M-F. Moens, K. Hofmann, E. Tjong Kim Sang, and M. de Rijke. In: Peter Spyns and Jan Odijk (eds.), Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-30909-0.


Predicting the 2011 Dutch Senate Election Results with Twitter, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Johan Bos. Proceedings of SASN 2012, the EACL 2012 Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Networks, ACL, Avignon, France, 2012, pages 53-60 (bibtex,


Extraction of Hypernymy Information from Text, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Katja Hofmann and Maarten de Rijke. In: Antal van den Bosch and Gosse Bouma, Interactive Multi-modal Question-Answering. Series: Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pages 223-245 (preprint).

Het gebruik van Twitter voor Taalkundig Onderzoek, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. TABU: Bulletin voor Taalwetenschap, volume 39, number 1/2, 2011, pages 62-72 (in Dutch).


Using a Treebank for Finding Opposites, by Anna Lobanova, Gosse Bouma and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Proceedings of TLT9, Tartu, Estonia, 2010, pages 139-150.

A Baseline Approach for Detecting Sentences Containing Uncertainty, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Proceedings of CoNLL-2010 (shared task paper), Uppsala, Sweden, 2010, pages 148-150.

GikiCLEF: Crosscultural issues in multilingual information access, by Diana Santos, Luís Miguel Cabral, Corina Forascu, Pamela Forner, Fredric Gey, Katrin Lamm, Thomas Mandl, Petya Osenova, Anselmo Peñas, Álvaro Rodrigo, Julia Schulz, Yvonne Skalban and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Proceedings of LREC (poster), Malta, 2010, pages 2346-2353.


Computational Linguistics and the History of Science, by John Nerbonne, John Kizito, Ismail Fahmi, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Gosse Bouma. In: Storia della Scienza e Linguistica Computazionale, editor Liborio Dibattista, FrancoAngeli, 2009, pages 55-73 (preprint).

Lexical Patterns or Dependency Patterns: Which Is Better for Hypernym Extraction?, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Katja Hofmann. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2009, Boulder, CO, USA, 2009, pages 174-182. (bibtex)

Automatic Relation Extraction - Can Synonym Extraction Benefit from Antonym Knowledge?, by Anna Lobanova, Jennifer Spenader, Tim Van de Cruys, Tom van der Kleij and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of WordNets and other Lexical Semantic Resources - between Lexical Semantics, Lexicography, Terminology and Formal Ontologies (NODALIDA2009 workshop), Odense, Denmark, 2009, pages 17-20.

To Use a Treebank or Not - Which Is Better for Hypernym Extraction?, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 7), Groningen, The Netherlands, 2009, pages 171-176 (short paper).


Overview of the CLEF 2008 Multilingual Question Answering Track, by Pamela Forner, Anselmo Peñas, Iñaki Alegria, Corina Forascu, Nicolas Moreau, Petya Osenova, Prokopis Prokopidis, Paulo Rocha, Bogdan Sacaleanu, Richard Sutcliffe and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Working Notes for the CLEF 2008 Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 2008.

The University of Amsterdam's Question Answering System at QA@CLEF 2007, by Valentin Jijkoun, Katja Hofmann, David Ahn, Mahboob Alam Khalid, Joris van Rantwijk, Maarten de Rijke and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 5152, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008.


Practical applications of stand-off annotation, by Martha Larson, Valentin Jijkoun, Jobst Löffler and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Sprache und Datenverarbeitung, volume 31, number 1-2, pp. 115-129, 2007.

Automatic Extraction of Dutch Hypernym-Hyponym Pairs, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Katja Hofmann. In Proceedings of CLIN-2006, Leuven, Belgium, 2007. (bibtex)

The University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2007 QA Track, by Katja Hofmann, Valentin Jijkoun, Mahboob Alam Khalid, Joris van Rantwijk and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Notebook of the Sixteenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2007), NIST, 2007.

The University of Amsterdam at CLEF@QA 2007, by Valentin Jijkoun, Katja Hofmann, David Ahn, Mahboob Alam Khalid, Joris van Rantwijk, Maarten de Rijke and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Working Notes for the CLEF 2007 Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.

Entity Retrieval, by Sisay Fissaha Adafre, Maarten de Rijke and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of RANLP 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007.

Automatic Extension of Non-English WordNets, by Katja Hofmann and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of SIGIR'07 (poster), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007.

An Experiment in Automatic Classification of Pathological Reports by Janneke van der Zwaan, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Maarten de Rijke. In Proceedings of AIME 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007.

A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Dependency Parsing, by Sander Canisius and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of EMNLP-CoNLL 2007 (CoNLL shared task paper), Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.

Extracting Hypernym Pairs from the Web, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of ACL 2007 (poster), Prague, Czech Republic, 2007. (bibtex, pdf poster)

The Cornetto Database: Architecture and User-Scenarios, by Piek Vossen, Katja Hofmann, Maarten de Rijke, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Koen Deschacht. In Proceedings of DIR 2007, Leuven, Belgium, 2007.


The University of Amsterdam at QA@CLEF 2006, by Valentin Jijkoun, Joris van Rantwijk, David Ahn, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Maarten de Rijke. In Working Notes for the CLEF 2006 Workshop, Alicante, Spain, 2006.

Dependency Parsing by Inference over High-recall Dependency Predictions, by Sander Canisius, Toine Bogers, Antal van den Bosch, Jeroen Geertzen and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-X), New York City, USA, 2006.

Towards a Multi-Stream Question Answering-As-XML-Retrieval Strategy, by David Ahn, Sisay Fissaha, Valentin Jijkoun, Karin Müller, Maarten de Rijke and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2005), NIST, 2006.


The University of Amsterdam at QA@CLEF 2005, by David Ahn, Valentin Jijkoun, Karin Müller, Maarten de Rijke and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In Working Notes for the CLEF 2005 Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 2005.

Developing Offline Strategies for Answering Medical Questions, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Gosse Bouma and Maarten de Rijke. In Proceedings of the AAAI-05 Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, pp. 41-45. [data]

Applying spelling error techniques for improving semantic role labelling, by Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Sander Canisius, Antal van den Bosch and Toine Bogers. In Proceedings of CoNLL-2005, Ann Arbor, MA, USA, pp. 229-232.


Reduction of Dutch Sentences for Automatic Subtitling, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang, Walter Daelemans and Anja Höthker. In: Proceedings of CLIN-2003, University of Antwerp, Antwerp Papers in Linguistics, 111, 2004, pp. 109-123.

Automatic Sentence Simplification for Subtitling in Dutch and English, by Walter Daelemans, Anja Höthker and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, pp. 1045-1048.

Using a Parallel Transcript/Subtitle Corpus for Sentence Compression, by Vincent Vandeghinste and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, pp. 231-234.

Memory-based semantic role labeling: Optimizing features, algorithm, and output, by Antal van den Bosch, Sander Canisius, Walter Daelemans, Iris Hendrickx and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2004, Boston, MA, USA, 2004, pp. 102-105. [bibtex]


Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Fien De Meulder. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2003, Edmonton, Canada, 2003, pp. 142-147. [bibtex]

Generating Subtitles from Linguistically Annotated Text, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. Internal report Atranos project, WP4-12, University of Antwerp, 2003, 19 pages.


Memory-Based Named Entity Recognition, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2002, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002, pp. 203-206. [bibtex]

Introduction to the CoNLL-2002 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In: Proceedings of CoNLL-2002, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002, pp. 155-158. [bibtex]

Memory-Based Shallow Parsing, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Journal of Machine Learning Research, volume 2 (March), 2002, pp. 559-594. [bibtex]


Transforming a Chunker to a Parser, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In: Walter Daelemans, Khalil Sima'an, Jorn Veenstra and Jakub Zavrel (eds.), Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2000, Rodopi, 2001, pp. 177-188. [bibtex]

Learning Computational Grammars, by John Nerbonne, Anja Belz, Nicola Cancedda, Hervé Déjean, James Hammerton, Rob Koeling, Stasinos Konstantopoulos, Miles Osborne, Franck Thollard and Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In: Walter Daelemans and Rémi Zajac (eds.), Proceedings of CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France, 2001, pp. 97-104. [bibtex]

Memory-Based Clause Identification, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In: Walter Daelemans and Rémi Zajac (eds.), Proceedings of CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France, 2001, pp. 67-69. [bibtex]

Introduction to the CoNLL-2001 Shared Task: Clause Identification, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Hervé Déjean. In: Walter Daelemans and Rémi Zajac (eds.), Proceedings of CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France, 2001, pp. 53-57. [bibtex]

Combining a self-organising map with memory-based learning, by James Hammerton and Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In: Walter Daelemans and Rémi Zajac (eds.), Proceedings of CoNLL-2001, Toulouse, France, 2001, pp. 9-14. [bibtex]


Noun Phrase Recognition by System Combination, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Antal van den Bosch and Hans Wiegaard (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Belgium-Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC'00), Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 335-336 (extended abstract of ANLP-NAACL 2000 paper). [bibtex]

Meta-Learning for Phonemic Annotation of Corpora, by Véronique Hoste, Walter Daelemans, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Steven Gillis. In Antal van den Bosch and Hans Wiegaard (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Belgium-Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC'00), Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 331-332 (extended abstract of ICML 2000 paper). [bibtex]

Learning the Logic of Simple Phonotactics, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and John Nerbonne. In James Cussens and Saso Dzeroski (eds), Learning Language in Logic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1925, Springer Verlag, 2000, pp. 110-124. [bibtex]

Introduction to the CoNLL-2000 Shared Task: Chunking, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Sabine Buchholz 2000e. In Proceedings of CoNLL-2000, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000, pp. 127-132. [bibtex]

Text Chunking by System Combination, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of CoNLL-2000, Lisbon, Portugal, 2000, pp. 151-153. [bibtex]

Applying System Combination to Base Noun Phrase Identification, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang, Walter Daelemans, Hervé Déjean, Rob Koeling, Yuval Krymolowski, Vasin Punyakanok and Dan Roth, 2000c. In Proceedings of COLING 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2000, pp. 857-863. [bibtex]

Meta-Learning for Phonemic Annotation of Corpora, by Véronique Hoste, Walter Daelemans, Erik Tjong Kim Sang and Steven Gillis. In Proceedings of Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning, Stanford University, USA. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2000, pp. 375-382. [bibtex]

Noun Phrase Recognition by System Combination, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of ANLP-NAACL 2000, Seattle, Washington, USA. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2000, pp. 50-55. [bibtex]


Learning Simple Phonotactics by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and John Nerbonne. In C. Lee Giles and Ron Sun, eds. Proceedings of the Workshop on Neural, Symbolic, and Reinforcement Methods for Sequence Processing, ML2 workshop at IJCAI'99, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999, pp. 41-46. [bibtex]

CoNLL-99, Computational Language Learning (workshop proceedings), by Miles Osborne and Erik Tjong Kim Sang. Association for Computational Linguistics, 1999.

Representing Text Chunks, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Jorn Veenstra. In Proceedings of EACL'99, Bergen, Norway. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1999, pp. 173-179. [bibtex]


Machine Learning of Phonotactics, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. PhD thesis, University of Groningen, 1998. [bibtex]

CATCH: A Program for Developing World Wide Web CALL Material, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, Copenhagen, Denmark. Center for Sprogteknologi, 1998.

An Error Database of Swedish, by Olga Wedbjer Rambell, Bengt Dahlqvist, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, and Nils Hein. SCARRIE Project Report, Del., 1998.


Converting the Scania Framemaker Documents to TEI SGML, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. Internal report, Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University, 1996.

Aligning the Scania Corpus by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. Internal report, Department of Linguistics, Uppsala University, 1996.


The Limitations of Modeling Finite State Grammars with Simple Recurrent Networks, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Toine Andernach and Anton Nijholt editors, Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN) 1994, University of Twente, 1995.


Acquiring Digital Phonology by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Wietske Sijtsma and Olga Zweekhorst editors, Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN) 1992, ITK Tilburg, 1993.


Machine Learning of Natural Language, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Dicky Gilbers and Sietze Looyenga editors, Language and Cognition 2, University of Groningen, 1992.

Strategieën voor LINGO (Strategies for the Lingo Game) by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In H. de Swaan Arons and H. Koppelaar and E.J.H. Kerckhoffs editors, Proceedings Nederlandstalige AI Conferentie 1992, Delft University of Technology, 1992. In Dutch.

A Connectionist Representation for Phrase Structure, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In M. Drossaers and A. Nijholt editors, Proceedings of the Twente Workshop on Language Technology III, University of Twente, 1992.


A Connectionist View at Knowledge Representation, by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. In Mark Kas and Eric Reuland and Co Vet editors, Language and Cognition 1, University of Groningen, 1991.


Partiële evaluatie van Prolog en haar toepassing bij het genereren van abstracte Prolog machines (Partial Evaluation of Prolog) by Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang. Masters thesis, Department of Technical Computing Science, Delft University of Technology, 1988. In Dutch.

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Last update: December 09, 2024. erikt(at)