Lucky Luke
Great western comic starring the lonesome cowboy Lucky Luke, his horse
Jolly Jumper, the four mean Dalton brothers Joe, Jack, William and Averell,
and Rantanplan, the most stupid dog of the universe.
The stories feature many other western heroes like Calamity Jane,
Billy the Kid,
judge Roy Bean and
Jesse James.
Lucky Luke, the man that fires a gun faster than his shadow,
fights crime and injustice, and succeeds.
This parody on the Wild West was drawn by Belgian Morris
(Maurice the Bevere, 1923-2001)
while the scripts of the earlier (but not the earlieast) books were
written by Frenchman René Goscinny (1926-1977).
After Goscinny's death many tried to fill the gap.
But after this tragical loss only one book reached the old level...
Later on Rantanplan received his own series of comic books.
You can view a
page with subtitles
of Lucky Luke (4x70kB inline images) or take a look at
Lucky Luke's Guestbook.
News: November 11, 2006
Jack Palance is dead. The famous
movie actor
has died of natural causes in California. He was 87.
Palance became known for his role as bad guy in western movies,
most notably of gunman Jack Wilson in the movie Shane. Lucky
Luke author Morris gave him the same part in the album
Phil Wire (in French: Phil
Defer;in Dutch: Phil IJzerdraad). Bad guy
Phil played by Palance was probably the only villain ever to
match the shooting skills of Lucky Luke.
Here is a list of
Lucky Luke books
that have issued in French, Dutch and other languages.
The titles of the albums are in Dutch. An unofficial
English translation has been added.
Dupuis sequence
- Dick Digger's goudmijn (Dick Digger's Gold Mine)
- Rodeo (Rodeo)
- Arizona (Arizona)
- Avonturen in het westen (Adventures in the West)
- Lucky Luke tegen Pat Poker (Lucky Luke against Pat Poker)
- Vogelvrij (Outlawed)
- Dr. Doxey's elixer (Dr. Doxey's Elixir)
- Phil IJzerdraad (Phil Wire)
- Spoorweg door de prairie (Railroad trough the Prairie)
- De blauwvoeten op oorlogspad (Bluefeet Go to War)
- De bende van Joss Jamon (The Gang of Joss Jamon)
- De neven Dalton (The Dalton Cousins)
- De rechter (The Judge)
- De trek naar Oklahoma (The Rush for Oklahoma)
- De Daltons breken uit (The Escape of the Daltons)
- Bootrace op de Mississippi (Boat Race on the Mississipp)
- In het spoor van de Daltons (On the Trail of the Daltons)
- In de schaduw van de boortorens (In the Shadow of the Derricks)
- Naijver in Painful Gulch (Envy in Painful Gulch)
- Billy The Kid (Billy The Kid)
- De zwarte heuvels (The Black Hills)
- De Daltons in de blizzard (The Daltons in the Blizzard)
- De Daltons op vrije voeten (The Release of The Daltons)
- De karavaan (The Caravan)
- De spookstad (Ghost Town)
- De Daltons kopen zich vrij (The Daltons on Parole)
- Het 20ste cavalerie (The 20th Cavalry)
- Het escorte (The Escort)
- Prikkeldraad in de prairie (Barbed Wire in the Prairie)
- Calamity Jane (Calamity Jane)
- Tortillas voor de Daltons (Tortillas for the Daltons)
Dargaud sequence
- De postkoets (The Stagecoach)
- Tenderfoot (The Tenderfoot)
- Dalton City (Dalton City)
- Jesse James (Jesse James)
- Western circus (Western Circus)
- Apache Canyon (Apache Canyon)
- Ma Dalton (Ma Dalton)
- De rijstoorlog (The Rice War)
- De premiejager (The Bounty Hunter)
- De grootvorst (The Grand Duke)
- De erfenis van Rataplan (The Inheritance of Rantanplan)
- De witte ridder (The Dashing White Cowboy)
- De genezing van de Daltons (The Cure of the Daltons)
- Zijne koninklijke hoogheid Smith (His Royal Highness Smith)
- Zeven korte verhalen (Seven Short Stories)
- De zingende draad (The Singing Wire)
- De ballade van de Daltons (The Ballad of the Daltons)
- De schat van de Daltons (The Treasure of the Daltons)
- De strop van de gehangene (The Noose of the Hanged)
- De éénarmige bandiet (The One-Armed Bandit)
- Sarah Bernhardt (Sarah Bernhardt)
- Daisy Town (Daisy Town)
- Fingers (Fingers)
- The Daily Star (The Daily Star)
- De verloofde van Lucky Luke (Lucky Luke's Fiancee)
- De duivelsranch (The Devil's Ranch)
- Nitroglycerine (Nitroglycerin)
- Het alibi (The Alibi)
- De pony express (The Pony Express)
Lucky Productions sequence
- De Daltons verliezen hun geheugen (The Daltons Loose their Memory)
- Spokenjacht (Ghost Hunt)
- De Daltons op de bruiloft (The Daltons at the Wedding)
- De brug over de Mississippi (The Bridge over the Mississippi)
- Lucky Kid (Kid Lucky)
- Belle Starr (Belle Starr)
- Klondike (Klondike)
- O.K. Corral (O.K. Corrall)
- Marcel Dalton (Marcel Dalton)
- De profeet (The Prophet)
- De kunstschilder (The Artist)
- De legende van het Westen (The Legend of the West)
- Oklahoma Jim (Oklahoma Jim)
Lucky Comics sequence
- Jolly Jumper op vrijersvoeten (Jolly Jumper in Love)
- Een strop voor de Daltons (A Noose for The Daltons)
The post-Morris album was drawn by Achdé (Hervé Darmenton).
The script was made by Laurent Gerra.
The main spinoff series of Lucky Luke is the
Rantanplan series.
Several albums have been issued in this series.
Apart from that two books about the early years of Lucky Luke have been
The titles of these albums are
Kid Lucky
Oklahoma Jim.
The books that have been issued in the Rantanplan series are:
Dargaud sequence
- De mascotte (The Mascot)
- De peetvader (The Godfather)
Lucky Productions sequence
- Rataplan gegijzeld! (Rantanplan Taken Hostage!)
- De clown (The Clown)
- Blunders van Rataplan 1 (Blunders of Rantanplan 1)
- Blunders van Rataplan 2 (Blunders of Rantanplan 2)
- De vluchteling (The Fugitive)
- Blunders van Rataplan 3 (Blunders of Rantanplan 3)
- De bode (The Messenger)
- Grijze cellen (Grey Matter)
- De dromedaris (The Dromedary)
- Blunders van Rataplan 4 (Blunders of Rantanplan 4)
- De grote reis (The Big Journey)
- Blunders van Rataplan 5 (Blunders of Rantanplan 5)
- Blunders van Rataplan 6 (Blunders of Rantanplan 6)
- Kerstmis voor Rataplan (Christmas for Rantanplan)
Willy De Groof
has supplied the names of three Lucky Luke books and the
data for the Rantanplan series.
Yann Vincent has supplied a Lucky Luke title.
Addresses of publishers
Here are addresses of publishers of international issues of Lucky
Please note that some of these addresses are quite old and
probably are incorrect.
Grijalbo/Dargaud, Arags 385, E-08013 Barcelona, Spain.
Monks, Hong Kong.
by Izvori, Trnjanska 47, 41000 Zagreb, tel. 01-612-576 or 01-617-714.
by A/S Interpresse, Krogshøjvej 32, 2880 Bagsværd, Danmark.
by Dargaud Benelux, 3 rue Kindermans, 1050 Bruxels, Belgium.
English (Australia)
Hodder Dargaud, 2 Apollo Place, Lane Cove, New South Walers
2066, Australia.
English (New Zealand)
Hodder Dargaud, PO Box 3858 Aukland 1, New Zealand.
English (UK)
by Hodder Dargaud, Mill Road, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN 13 2XX,
English (USA)
by Fantasy Flight, 201 McAndrews Road West, Suite 204, Burnsville, MN
55337, USA. Phone: (612) 898-4065. Fax: (612) 898-1672.
English (USA)
Dargaud International Publishing Inc., c/o Merchandising Workshop.
304 East 45th Street. New York NY 10017
Egmont Estonia Ltd, Hobujaama 1, EE 0001 Tallinn, Estonia
by Otava, Uudenmaankatu 8-12, Helsingfors, Finland.
by Dargaud Benelux, 3 rue Kindermans, 1050 Bruxels, Belgium.
Delta Verlag, Postfach 1215, 7 Stuttgart 1, Germany.
by Mamouth Comix Ltd., Solonos 130, Athens 10681, Greece.
Phone: +01 3825055, Fax: +01 3825054.
Fjolvi HF, Njorvasund 15a, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Dargaud Italia, Piazza Velasca 5. 20112 Milano, Italy.
by Cosmos Editions, 19-16 Shin An-dong, Jin-ju,
Gyung Nam-do, Republic of Korea.
by Dar al Maaref, Esseily Bldg, Riad el Solh Square, Beirut, Lebanon.
by Semic Norway, Thv. Meyersgt. 72, Oslo 5, Norway.
Meriberica, Rua D. Filipa de Vilhena 4-5, Lissabon 1, Portugal.
NIP Decje Novine, Gornji Milanovac, Tihomira Matijevica 4,
by Didakta, Radovljica, Kranjska cesta 13, 64240 Radovljica,
by Grijalbo-Dargaud S.A. Den y Mata 98, Barcelona 14, Spain.
Bonniers Juniorförlag AB, Kammakargatan 9 A, 103 63 Stockholm, Sweden.
Milliyet Gazetecilik A.S., Dogan Medya Center, Bagcilar 34554
Istanbul, Turkey.
Furthermore Lucky Luke is also being printed in Canada
by Dargaud Canada, 307 Benjamin-Hudon, St-Laurent, Montreal PQ H4N 1J1,
Canada and in Switzerland by
Interpresse Dargaud A.S. En Budron B, 1052 Lernont s/Lausanne, Switzerland.
Irene has provided the address of the Greek publisher and
Bojan Kerze has supplied the address of the Servian and the Slovenian
Abdurrahman Ildeniz has supplied the addresses of the publishers in
Turkey, South Africa, Australia, Austria, the USA, Hong Kong,
Italy and New Zealand.
Emmanuel Faure has provided the Catalan data.
Yann Vincent corrected four entries and supplied the data for
Estonian, Kroatian and Serbian.
Here are some of the main character names found in the international
issues of Lucky Luke.
If you know these character names in other languages then please mail
them to erikt(at)
French: Lucky Luke Rantanplan Les Dalton
Argentinian: Lucky Luke Rataplán Los Dalton
Catalan: Lucky Luke Ran-tan-plan Els Dalton
Croatian: Lucky Luke Braca Daltona
Czech: Stastný Luk
Danish: Lucky Luke Ratata Dalton-brødrene
Dutch: Lucky Luke Rataplan De gebroeders Dalton
English: Lucky Luke Rin Tin Can The Dalton Brothers
Finnish: Lucky Luke Rantanplan Daltonin veljekset
German: Lucky Luke Rantanplan Die Daltons
Greek: Luki Luk Rantanplan I Daltons
Hungarian: Villam Vili
Icelandic: Lukku Láki Rattati Dalton bræður
Italian: Lucky Luke Rataplan I Fratelli Dalton
Norwegian: Lucky Luke Rattata Brødrene Dalton
Portuguese: Lucky Luke Ran-tan-plan Os Daltons
Serbocroatian: Talicni Tom
Spanish: Lucky Luke Ran-Tan-Plan Los Dalton
Slovenian: Srecni Luka
Swedish: Lucky Luke Ratata Bröderna Dalton
Turkish: Red Kit Rin Tin Tin Dalton Kardesler
- There is no separate language Argentinian but there is a separate
Argentinian edition.
The language used in this edition is Spanish.
- In the German edition issued in Austria the names are Lucky Luke,
Rantaplen and Die Daltons.
Bojan Kerze has supplied the Croatian, English, Serbocroatian and
Slovenian names and these were later on updated by an anonymous
Ozan S. Yigit has provided the Turkish names and Rahm Vladimir came
forward with the Czech name.
Emmanuel Faure provided the names in Catalan, German and Portuguese
Siv Bergit Pedersen contributed the Norwegian names and
Yann Vincent supplied the Danish names and corrected three names.
Marco Antonio came forward with the Spanish and the Argentinian names and
Gudmundur Magnus Hermannsson provided the Icelandic names and
Marko Kovacic has supplied the Hungarian name and corrected a Croatian name.
Gianmaria Bozzellini has contributed the Italian names, Aysegul Aksoy
came forward with one Turkish name and P. Koursos supplied the Austrian
DjMissy supplied the Finnish names.
George C. Christodoulou supplied the Greek names.
He also wrote them with the Greek alphabet:
Lucky Luke:
Les Daltons:
Here are some links to information about Lucky Luke.
If you know a Lucky Luke related page that was not mentioned here then
please mail its address to erikt(at)
The numeric code before each item represents month in which the item
was added to the list. Example: 9701 means January 1997.
At this moment the list contains
Even more Lucky Luke links can be found on
the links page of
Antonio Checa Funcke
Last update: December 26, 2006. erikt(at)