Teaching by Erik TKS

This page contains an overview of the courses taught by Erik Tjong Kim Sang. There is a separate page with evaluation results for most of these courses.

Unique courses taught: 29
Total number of course editions taught: 52

Groningen, The Netherlands (2008-)

Alfa-informatica Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

        2009            Algorithmics
   2008 2009 2010       Corpus Linguistics
   2008 2009 2010       Introduction to Information Science
   2008 2009            Natural Language Processing II
        2009            Selected topics in Natural Language Processing
                  2011  Programming for Language and Text
                  2011  Social Media
             2010       Text manipulation
             2010       XML

In the course Corpus Linguistics (2008-2010) I cooperated with Gosse Bouma. In the course Programming for Language and Text (2011) I cooperated with Nynke van der Vliet.

Summaries of the evaluation results of these courses are also available.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2004-2007)

Information and Language Processing Systems, Intelligent Systems Laboratory, University of Amsterdam.

             2007  Data Mining
   2005 2006 2007  Language Technology Project
             2007  Perl (at the University of Tilburg)
             2007  Project Information Retrieval

Summaries of the evaluation results of these courses are also available.

Antwerp, Belgium (1998-2004)

Center for Dutch Language and Speech, Department of Germanic Languages, University of Antwerp.

   2000  Perl

A summary of the evaluation results of this course is also available.

Uppsala, Sweden (1995-1998)

Language Engineering Programme (STP), Department of Linguistics, University of Uppsala, Sweden.

        1996            Computational Lexicography II
             1997       Computer-Assisted Language Learning
        1996 1997 1998  Formal Languages and Automata
        1996 1997 1998  Language Databases
             1997       Language Revision Tools
   1995 1996 1997       Statistical Approaches in NLP
        1996 1997 1998  Subareas of Natural Language Processing
             1997 1998  Text Processing

In two of these courses I have cooperated with other teachers: in Computational Lexicography II with Hong Liang Qiao (1996) and in Subareas of Natural Language Processing with Anna Sågvall Hein (1996-1998), Hong Liang Qiao (1996) and Malgorzata Stys (1996)

Summaries of the evaluation results of these courses are also available.

Groningen, The Netherlands (1990-1995)

Alfa-informatica Department, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

             1992                 Artificial Intelligence I
        1991 1992 1993            Artificial Intelligence II
                            1995  Formal Languages and Automata
                            1995  Knowledge Representation
        1991 1992 1993            Neural Networks
   1990 1991 1992 1993            Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence
                       1994       Prolog

In the course Knowledge Representation I have cooperated with Gosse Bouma.

See also a list of Masters and Bachelor projects that I supervised
Last update: April 26, 2012. erikt(at)xs4all.nl